Our key venues for arts and culture offer year-round cultural experiences.
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About Logan Arts
Logan Arts – connecting creative Logan
Previous exhibitions

Past exhibition programs
2020 exhibition program (PDF 3.1 MB)
2019 exhibition program (PDF 5.1 MB)
2018 exhibition program (PDF 3.2 MB)
2017 exhibition program (PDF 3.4 MB)
2016 exhibition program (PDF 3.8 MB)
2015 exhibition program (PDF 2.3 MB)
2014 exhibition program (PDF 1.2 MB)
2013 exhibition program (PDF 2.2 MB)
Another door opens—Esther Austin (PDF 4.2 MB)
Envisage – unseen rhythms—Rachael Lee (PDF 1.3 MB)
Glory Box | Hope Chest | Bottom Drawer (PDF 8 MB)
He kākano āhau (I am a seed) (PDF 1.3 MB)
The homesickness project (PDF 7.4 MB)
Iesu ra mir giz…(From the beginning…)—Sylvia Nakachi (PDF 5 MB)
Journey blong yumi catalogue (PDF 1.1 MB) and education resource (PDF 4.1 MB)
Mulion-go (Like an eagle)—Reginald Knox retrospective (PDF 917 KB)
Our legends: A homage to four significant local artists (PDF 8.1 MB)
Our stories and designs (PDF 1.6 MB)
Paper stories—Liz Horrigan, Sandra Johnson and Vikki Kindermann (PDF 597 KB)
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