Our key venues for arts and culture offer year-round cultural experiences.
Our 14m wide Outdoor Stage faces south-west and offers highly adaptable performance space. It can accommodate up to 50 performers together on stage and has a fan-shaped audience viewing area with a 5,200 m2 audience capacity.
The stage faces vast open green space. Ramp access is available at the side and rear. Backstage, a crossover corridor adjoins the dressing rooms (2 large 20-person rooms and 1 small 6-person room).
The standard audio and lighting fit out is equipped with a wide range of equipment that includes brands such as Nexo, Yamaha and GrandMA. Our fulltime onsite Production Supervisor and skilled technical team are available to support the delivery of your event.
Our facilities can be tailored to suit your needs, and detailed technical specifications are available on request.
Permanent stage: 14m (W) x 12m (D) x 8m (H)
Wing space (off stage): 4m (W) x 12m (D) to each side of stage
Stage height: 1.2m (with tiered step(s) down at front/sides)
Stage ceiling height: 8m
Clear height above stage: 6m
Event Lawn: 5,000m2 audience capacity
Dressing Rooms: 129m2 of dressing rooms, spaced over 3 rooms. Two for 20 people and one for 6.
Smart Pole Network: 5 pole structures that provide lighting, CCTV, Public access Wifi, wireless phone charging, and a wide range of sensors to promote community safety.
Event support services
We can assist with marketing, ticketing, technical support and catering. Click through to find out more about our event support services.
Venue access and information
Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct is proudly an accessible venue. Click through to read more about Accessibility specific to Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct.
Stage floor surface: Concrete, with 7.5kPA Uniform distributed load and 4.5kN point load capability